Thursday, 21 August 2008

A Winch & a Prayer

Strep throat and a hurricane were not going to keep this move from happening, but what about a hitch stuck in the road?

9:15 A - Marcus, a younger sibling of a friend and my hired hand for the morning witnessed the interview with a truck rental agent that involved going through a checklist of driving procedures (standard) and a reminder that my 16' truck did not come equipped with a make-up mirror (not so standard.)

9:45 A - Several Jane Hancocks later, the rental agent gave me permission to hit the streets.

10:00 A - We arrived at the place where a few of my prized possessions (20 cases of books; mix-matched china; writing desk) have been stashed since July 15.

11:30 A - My new house on Pierce Avenue is on a hill. In a large truck, such as the one I was driving, I thought I could clear the incline of the driveway alongside the house. I could not.

12:00 P - Even 2x4s nailed together and propped under the truck's rear tire by two roofers at another house down the street could budge the hitch, now encrusted with black concrete. A final attempt by the roofers to dislodge the knob involved violent shaking the rear of the vehicle. You guessed, it did not work.

1:30 P - I forgot to eat in the morning and I started seeing stars. Marcus went for replenishment.

2:00 A - A KA frat guy drives by in his pick up. He asks if we need help. Both of us nod. Ill get my winch, he says, and drives off. (At this point two other people said they would help, so I thought he was just being polite. Although further consideration in the heat made me wonder why anyone offering to help, only not to help, is considered "being polite.")

2:30 A - The winch and two other guys arrive. We crank both engines and the truck is rolling. We open the truck and nothing is broken inside. I make a note to not complain about frat guys ever again.

An hour later, Marcus and I have successfully unloaded everything in the house. We return the truck -- much later than anticipated -- but I blame the heat. I forget to mention the hitch episode. I seems like the guys has enough stories about inept girls anyway.

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