Friday, 7 December 2012

Guest posting at The Buzz blog and dough bowls!

Happy Friday morning!  I am delighted to be over at the  chic blog, The Buzz . Surely many of you already follow them, so I do hope you will visit me there. Carolyn was so kind to ask me to guest post, I chose to talk about easy ways  to  add holiday cheer into your home. I have been busy, doing a little holiday decorating every day and for me, this is a first! I normally do not even begin until mid December, so to have done even what I have done so far is a big deal......another perk of blogging, the "pressure" to get things done! Here's a sneak peek..sure hope to see you there!


And for all of you who had inquired about the smaller sized dough bowls, I unexpectedly got a small shipment yesterday of another batch of beauties. My vendor had them set aside for someone else who could not go through with the purchase so I got them! Here they are, they are on average 23-24" and there is one really large round one about 20" round. These are as pretty as they get! Email me here if interested.

See you over there! Wishing you a wonderful day...thanks for stopping in. Be sure to check back tomorrow.....going to do an updates post tomorrow and am doing a really awesome giveaway! Happy Friday to you:)

Buzz on over.........Click here to visit me at The Buzz!

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