Friday, 22 March 2013

School children quiz Richmond Homes

When Richmond Homes’ Construction Manager received a hand written letter in the post, the request was hard to resist. The children of P2/3 at Townhill Primary School in Dunfermline were wondering, very nicely, if Richmond Homes would be able to visit their school to talk about how to build a house for their houses and homes project.

Perched to the North of Scotland’s former Capital city, Townhill has a special connection to Richmond, the place where the family firms’ first generation of builders constructed their first homes.  Forty years later on a frosty morning, Construction Manager Bill Bonnar was more than happy to visit and answer the children’s questions on the building trade.

As part of the Curriculum for Excellence, Mrs Marjorie Mitchell’s class had chosen 10 questions to ask Bill, including ‘how to build a wall’; ‘how a roof is made’; ‘which machines are used’; and ‘how much it costs to build a house’? Bill explained what tools and equipment you need to construct a sturdy wall, the kind of vehicles involved including forklifts and diggers, the technology used in putting a house together as well as how you lift a roof on to a house, a complicated business involving cranes!  The children were particularly interested in Green Energy and how Richmond makes homes that are Eco friendly and energy efficient.  They asked questions on how to make solar panels and the technology involved, and seemed very informed on all things environmentally friendly, a great sign for the future. Bill also touched on health and safety issues, reminding the children to always stay well clear of a building site which is full of hidden dangers.
Like sponges, they soaked up all this information and were enthusiastic about becoming future house builders, architects and designers, talking about the different roles involved in putting a house together to create a great place to live and grow. Bill reminded them to keep working on their arithmetic, an essential skill for all builders!

At the end of term the children of Townhill Primary School will share what they have learned with their parents at a fundraising concert at the school as well as displaying their specially made shoebox houses and gardens, and birds-eye plans of a garden.  The money raised from this event will go towards a class trip next term.

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